05/04 2023

Stiring up the excitement with the first Open Day of SISS

Despite being the newest member of RT Holdings, Sydney International School System (SISS) is steadily putting the plan into action to expand the brand and offer students an outstanding foreign education program.

The first milestone that SISS has achieved is the success of the first Open Day, with the theme “Access New South Wales Program – Open a Different Future” which was held on March 25th, 2023. The event attracted the participation of a huge number of parents, students, and special guests. One of them was Harry Bui Khanh Nguyen, also known as Anh Ca Heo, an Independent Speaker on Education.

With careful preparation from the teachers and staff, SISS has effectively introduced outstanding advantages in the New South Wales curriculum, extra-curricular activities, learning support activities, and registration guidelines for the 2023 – 2024 school year to the participants at the event.

Not only at the event but also in the mass media, SISS – the first school to implement the New South Wales program in Vietnam – is being actively discussed and receiving positive feedback from parents in HCMC.

RT Holdings believes this event will be the foundation for SISS to welcome its first enrollment with success in order to complete its mission of building responsible global digital citizenships and active participation in social movements.

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