06/03 2023

Penn Academy offers IELTS courses for beginners

In the era of globalization, English has become one of the most popular languages in the world. Students are becoming more and more interested in getting an IELTS certificate because of all the good things it can do for them. However, learning IELTS is not always easy, especially for students who do not have a solid foundation of English.
With the mission of bringing Vietnamese education to international integration and training elite global citizens, Penn Academy English Center is ready to act as a bridge to help students conquer IELTS through the design of a suitable learning path to develop comprehensive English skills.
At the beginning of March, Penn Academy officially opened the “ENGLISH FOR BEGINNERS CLASS” for students who have no basic knowledge of English but want to have an IELTS certificate. Penn Academy is constantly improving and innovating teaching methods, as well as deploying and arranging suitable classes, to create an optimal and effective learning path for students.
While studying at Penn Academy, students will be taught directly by experienced teachers. In addition, students can also directly experience the PEER method, making learning more exciting and receptive.
ENGLISH FOR BEGINNERS CLASS has been providing a friendly and enthusiastic environment to support students not only in terms of knowledge but also increase their confidence, making English no longer “a nightmare”.
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