15/04 2022

Indochina Group’s event “Pink Day 2022” – Small Acts Have a Big Impact

School violence persists in a variety of forms in learning environments around the world. Therefore Indochina Group members are always eager to contribute their efforts to spread the message of a harmonious educational environment, free from bullying and violence.

On April 13, 2022, the Indochina Group came together to spread the message of preventing school violence in the event of Pink Day 2022. To show their support, all teachers, staff, and students across the Indochina Group wore pink shirts while teaching, working, and studying at all Group campuses.

This year, Pink Day at Indochina Group was held with the theme: “We are Friends – Be nice to each other, not bullying” working towards the goal of helping students become aware of the serious consequences of school bullying and school violence, and thus provide them with an appreciation for appropriate behavior towards friends and people around them.

In addition to spreading the message “say no to school violence”, the organizers donated 10,000 VND to the school’s charity fund for each student who wore a pink shirt to school that day.

We strongly believe that the enthusiastic response of all the teachers, staff, and students has contributed to students developing positive, open-minded outlooks, and respecting differences in personality and cultural identity in the community. From there, our students will be able to easily integrate and be more confident in their journey to assert themselves in a variety of domestic and international working environments in the future.

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