18/07 2024

The Honor Ceremony for the Outstanding Achievements of Teachers’ and Staff’s Children in the Academic Year 2023 – 2024 at RT Holdings

The Honor Ceremony for Teachers and Staff’s Children is an important event aimed at honoring the efforts and achievements of students, while also recognizing the support from their families throughout the past academic year.

On July 13, 2024, RT Holdings held the Honor Ceremony for the Outstanding Achievements of Teachers’ and Staff’s Children in the academic year 2023 – 2024. The ceremony took place in a solemn atmosphere at Ba Thang Hai Campus with the attendance of the Leadership Team, Teachers, Staff, and students.

The ceremony was organized to honor and encourage the learning and development spirit of the students — children of the teachers and staff — while also affirming the crucial role of families in supporting their children’s education and acknowledging the contributions of the Group’s members in creating a positive educational environment.

Ms. Vu Thi Mai Huong – Head of School of SISS, Representative of RT Holdings, stated: “The achievements throughout the past academic journey are not only a source of immense pride for yourselves but also for your families, teachers, and the entire RT Holdings community”.

At the ceremony, RT Holdings was honored to present valuable gifts to the students to encourage and reward their spirit of learning. Additionally, the students enjoyed vibrant magic performances, participated in traditional clay figurine crafting with artisans, and savored delicious food at a cozy reception.

To Thy Thao, a student representing the students, shared: “Today’s ceremony has been a great source of encouragement, helping me to be more confident and determined in the journey ahead”.

The Honor Ceremony for the Outstanding Achievements of Teachers’ and Staff’s Children for the academic year 2023 – 2024 at RT Holdings concluded with many emotions and memorable moments. RT Holdings wishes the students continued progress and many achievements in the future.

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