01/07 2024

“The best teacher teaches from the heart, not from the book”

Education is the foundation of a civilized and developed society. Teachers are the pioneers in carrying out the mission of imparting knowledge and laying the first bricks in nurturing responsible and knowledgeable global citizens. The ethical values and beautiful ideals of human life that teachers impart contribute to spreading and building a fair and good society.

To honor these contributions, RT Holdings awarded the prestigious “Golden Apple Award” to teachers who have excelled in teaching and made groundbreaking contributions with dedication and enthusiasm in all educational activities at RT Holdings. The WASS Kindergarten community is immensely proud that Mr. Tran Nhu Ly – Physical Education Teacher – was named on the esteemed list. Let’s meet and listen to the heartfelt words shared by Mr. Tran Nhu Ly!


How do you feel about being one of the prominent members inspiring others in the mission of nurturing knowledge at RT Holdings?

First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Board of Directors, the Board of Principals, and especially to all members of RT Holdings who have supported me over the past time. The honor of receiving the prestigious “2024 Golden Apple Award” is a testament to the trust, love, and appreciation from the WASS Kindergarten community towards me. Being recognized as one of the exemplary individuals who ignite the flame of knowledge at RT Holdings fills me with immense pride, albeit tinged with a touch of nervousness. However, I firmly believe that with my capabilities, perseverance, and dedication to contributing and fostering connections with love, all the good things will smile upon me.

What values and principles do you always uphold in your teaching journey?

The saying that resonates with me and reinforces my belief in the value of being a teacher is, “The best teacher teaches from the heart, not from the book.” My teaching principle is always “student-centered.” Each student absorbs knowledge differently and has unique characteristics. Therefore, educators need to embrace new knowledge, innovate teaching methods, and make lessons engaging and suitable for each student.


What inspired you to choose the path of education?

From a young age, I harbored the dream of becoming a teacher.  I’m always intrigued by the unwavering dedication of teachers. Learning from experienced senior teachers and enthusiastic young teachers, I discovered that their commitment stemmed from passion, love, and the profound desire to teach with heart and soul.

Engaging with kindergarten students ignited a profound ambition within me. Witnessing these young minds take their initial steps, draw new paths, and begin their journey of exploring their dreams filled me with immense purpose. Observing their daily growth and progress only deepened my affection for the teaching profession. These experiences have not only fueled my passion but also fortified my commitment, propelling me to contribute wholeheartedly to the field of education. My earnest wish is to play a humble role in guiding these children as they conquer the challenges awaiting them on their future paths.


Do you have any future plans or goals to continue improving your teaching quality and making contributions to the School?

With the goal of providing opportunities for students to experience and practice more in each lesson, I plan to research and implement new activities with more engaging content for the students. Additionally, I will join several clubs to broaden my expertise and understanding when working with young learners. This endeavor will enable me to develop a comprehensive and tailored teaching approach for diverse age groups, aiming to improve educational quality and make a positive contribution to the WASS Kindergarten community in particular and RT Holdings in general.


If you could describe 3 words to express your feelings about the “RT Holdings family,” what would those words be and why?

I think “Truth – Goodness – Beauty” are the most suitable words to describe RT Holdings. These words not only articulate the timeless pursuit of beauty in literature but also represent universal values for all of humanity. At RT Holdings, I witness how the principles of life, quality standards, and positive values upheld by the leadership team are clearly reflected in the Group’s operations.


  • Truth – Honesty and integrity are the foundation for all endeavors at RT Holdings. From teaching to management, all processes are transparent and clear, creating a trustworthy environment for working and learning.
  • Goodness – Kindness and compassion are the guiding principles in every action. RT Holdings focuses not only on academic enrichment but also on the holistic development of individuals, nurturing both minds and hearts.
  • Beauty – Beauty is expressed not only through modern facilities but also through the passion and dedication of teachers and staff. The working environment at RT Holdings always encourages creativity and innovation, creating an ideal educational space.

RT Holdings truly is a second home where each individual is embraced, empowered, and nurtured. These values of Truth – Goodness – Beauty have created a united, strong team working together towards the common goal of building a world-class, humane, and sustainably developed education system.

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