27/06 2024

Golden Apple 2024: A Well-Deserved Recognition for Silent Contributions

The “Golden Apple” award is a prestigious recognition from RT Holdings for teachers who have made outstanding contributions to education within the Group. Like beacons of hope, these teachers are not only knowledge bearers but also spreaders of passion, enthusiasm, and a sense of responsibility to generations of learners.

In the academic year 2023-2024, the Group extends its warmest congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to the teachers who have won the Golden Apple Award:

Ms. Nguyen Thi Be Ngoan – Head Primary Teacher at WASS
Mr. Michael Kerr – Head Teacher of English and Social Studies at WASS
Ms. Nguyen Anh Thuy Uyen – Home Coordination & ASAS at PennSchool
Mr. Philipp Faisst – Head Teacher of English Language Arts – Primary School at PennSchool
Ms. Nguyen Thi Diep – Technology Teacher at SISS
Mr. Tran Nhu Ly – Physical Education Teacher at WASS Kindergarten

Join RT Holdings in meeting and listening to the heartfelt confessions of Ms. Nguyen Thi Be Ngoan and Mr. Michael Kerr about their journey through the past academic year!

How do you feel about being one of the prominent members inspiring others in the mission of nurturing knowledge at RT Holdings?

Ms. Nguyen Thi Be Ngoan
I went through a range of emotions when I was honored to be one of the recipients of the Golden Apple Awards. I am proud to have contributed a small part of my effort to the common cause of the Group. Besides, I feel extremely grateful and honored to be trusted and loved by the Board of Directors, the Principal, and my fellow teachers in the Group.

Mr. Michael Kerr
For me, the award is a very meaningful part of my journey nurturing knowledge at RT Holdings. I just want to say that I will always value my responsibility, ensuring that all tasks and work are completed seriously and meticulously. Besides, I will always be ready to support and accompany my colleagues to create a positive and united working environment.


What values and principles do you always uphold in your teaching journey?

Ms. Nguyen Thi Be Ngoan
I really like the saying, “You cannot plant trees in places where there is no light, nor can you raise children with little enthusiasm.” In my teaching process, I always remind myself to be patient, loving, and accompany my little students so that they have more motivation and faith in themselves. In addition, on my teaching journey, I not only “teach” but also “learn,” and it is these little friends who have taught me about love, patience, and tolerance.

Mr. Michael Kerr
One of the proverbs that I love and that is also the guiding principle throughout my teaching career is “Nine-tenths of education is encouragement.” I understand that encouragement plays a very important role in the education process. It shows that encouraging and motivating students accounts for a large part of helping them learn and develop positively. When students are encouraged, they will feel confident, motivated, and ready to face the challenges in learning and life.


Reflecting on your past experiences, what do you consider to be your most significant achievement so far?

Ms. Nguyen Thi Be Ngoan
In my 6 years working at WASS, the love and trust from the students and the confidence of the parents are what I cherish the most. Additionally, the recognition of my efforts by the leadership and the board of directors is a significant motivation for me and my fellow teachers to continue contributing to the common cause of RT Holdings.

Mr. Michael Kerr
My greatest achievement is the positive impact I have had on my students. Reflecting on my many years at WASS, I have accompanied my students in their comprehensive development, not only academically but also in character and life skills. Moreover, shaping and helping them become outstanding global citizens who are beneficial to society is the sweet reward that reassures me of the efforts I have dedicated.


How do you view the development and changes in the current educational environment?

Ms. Nguyen Thi Be Ngoan
Currently, the educational environment is constantly evolving and developing. A learning environment is not naturally given; teachers must create, develop, maintain, and nurture it. I firmly believe that teachers serve as more than just knowledge providers; they ignite passion for each subject, instilling in students a thirst for learning, skill refinement, and ethical development. Therefore, I believe that each teacher needs to continuously learn, be creative, and innovate to meet the increasingly high demands of modern education, contributing to the holistic development of students.

Mr. Michael Kerr
For me, the development and changes in the 21st-century educational environment have opened many new opportunities for both teachers and students. The integration of technology into teaching has created a flexible learning environment where students can easily and effectively access knowledge. Additionally, the development of educational technology also helps teachers improve teaching quality, creating more engaging and cohesive lessons. Overall, these changes are steering towards a comprehensive education, where every student has the opportunity to maximize their potential.


If you could describe 3 words to express your feelings about the “RT Holdings family,” what would those words be and why?

Ms. Nguyen Thi Be Ngoan
“Love, Companionship, and Gratitude” are the 3 words I want to describe about the “common home,” RT Holdings. Since joining this Group, I have been embraced by the love of the students, parents, and colleagues. Everyone is like a second family to me. Besides, my success is also thanks to the unwavering support, camaraderie, and wisdom shared by my beloved colleagues and esteemed superiors. I am profoundly grateful and extend my sincerest thanks to all the members of the RT Holdings family for overcoming difficulties and challenges together to achieve sweet results.

Mr. Michael Kerr
Community – for my colleagues: thank you for creating a connected and supportive work environment.
Commitment – for my students: I will maintain and ensure the quality of teaching, providing the best conditions for my students to learn and develop.
Satisfaction – for myself: I am grateful and satisfied for dedicating my whole heart to the teaching profession and for the achievements I have attained throughout this journey.

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