28/06 2024

Education from the Perspective of Pioneering Educators at RT Holdings

With the values and principles that each teacher at RT Holdings upholds, they not only impart knowledge but also open new horizons, ignite potential, and guide students on the path to success. To honor these contributions, the Group has awarded the prestigious “Golden Apple Award” to teachers who have excelled in teaching and made groundbreaking contributions to all educational activities within the Group.

Among them, PennSchool is immensely proud that Ms. Nguyen Anh Thuy Uyen and Mr. Philipp Faisst have received the Golden Apple Award 2024. Let’s join Internal Magazine Issue No. 19 to meet and listen to the heartfelt stories shared by these two award-winning teachers!

How do you feel about being one of the prominent members inspiring others in the mission of nurturing knowledge at RT Holdings?

Ms. Nguyen Anh Thuy Uyen
As my name was announced by the MC as one of the recipients of the highest and most prestigious award of the academic year 2023-2024, a wave of emotions washed over me. The surprise mingled with profound joy as, after many years of working and contributing at RT Holdings, all my efforts, along with the invaluable support from the PennSchool community, have borne fruit.

Mr. Philipp Faisst
I am truly honored and surprised to be one of the teachers to receive the Golden Apple Award at RT Holdings for 2 consecutive years. I want to express my sincere gratitude and deepest appreciation to my colleagues, who have nurtured my passion and wholeheartedly dedicated themselves to the teaching profession.


What values and principles do you always uphold in your teaching journey?

Ms. Nguyen Anh Thuy Uyen
To me, “Education is a lamp, a light that guides knowledge.” This motto reminds me that education is not just about imparting knowledge but also about enlightening, sparking potential, and opening new horizons for students. I always strive to inspire and guide my students on the path to success. Additionally, this motto clearly reflects the educational values I always aim for: “Respect and love for students.” This is not only a principle but also a slogan I always keep in mind throughout my teaching career.

Mr. Philipp Faisst
“Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.” This motto resonates deeply within me and serves as a guiding principle in my teaching journey. I always strive to uphold the core values of education through three main elements: dedication, curiosity, and lifelong learning. Alongside dedicating my utmost effort to provide the best education for my students, I always encourage them to be proactive in exploring, discovering, and questioning the world around them. Concurrently, it serves as a reminder for me to continuously learn and develop my personal skills, thereby inspiring students to pursue and maintain lifelong learning.


Can you share a memorable moment from your teaching journey that you feel most proud of?

Ms. Nguyen Anh Thuy Uyen
In addition to my role as the Home Coordination & ASAS of the PennSchool community, I am also a performing arts teacher, choreographing dances for students at various school events. One of my most memorable moments was during the School Year Exhibition. As all the students eagerly prepared for their performances, I encountered a little boy standing at the edge of the stage, tearful and hesitant. Upon approaching him, I discovered his fear and lack of confidence in facing the audience. Through patience and encouragement, I supported him in regaining his confidence, taking that brave step onto the stage, and ultimately shining. Following the performance, he ran to me, hugged me, and said, “Teacher, I did it! I’m not scared anymore. Thank you so much.” This simple yet powerful exchange remains etched in my memory, as I was able to pass on positive energy to help my young student become more courageous.

Mr. Philipp Faisst
One of the moments that makes me the proudest and is the greatest reward in my teaching journey is witnessing the growth of my students. For me, seeing them strive academically, overcome challenges, and achieve the goals they set for themselves is truly gratifying.


Do you have any future plans or goals to continue improving your teaching quality and making contributions to the School?

Ms. Nguyen Anh Thuy Uyen
At present, I aim to continuously improve my skills and expand my knowledge to elevate my proficiency and unleash my full potential. Additionally, I plan to explore, learn, and collaborate with the School to organize more diverse clubs and extracurricular activities to provide students with opportunities to explore and develop soft skills such as leadership, teamwork, and creative thinking. I also intend to work with other performing arts teachers to develop and update the curriculum to ensure it aligns with modern educational trends and meets the students’ learning needs.

Mr. Philipp Faisst
I am always looking for new methods and changes in current education to improve my teaching quality. However, I believe that the most valuable asset is collaboration and sharing knowledge and professional values with my colleagues. This will help not only me personally but also strengthen and sustainably develop the entire RT Holdings community.


If you could describe 3 words to express your feelings about the “RT Holdings family,” what would those words be and why?

Ms. Nguyen Anh Thuy Uyen
Love: I want to express my gratitude for the heartfelt guidance and passionate love for the teaching profession shown by the RT Holdings team.
Unity: I felt the camaraderie among colleagues from the first day I stepped into RT Holdings, especially at PennSchool. Everyone is genuinely kind and sociable. Their unity and wholehearted support have helped me achieve what I have today.
Creativity: The Group always encourages creativity in teaching programs, allowing me to freely and comfortably express myself.

Mr. Philipp Faisst
The 3 words I would choose to describe the “common home,” RT Holdings, are “supportive, innovative, and cooperative.” The Group in general and PennSchool in particular continually support teachers in creating a positive, happy, and cohesive working environment. Simultaneously, the leadership team always promotes and encourages new ideas in teaching. Finally, collaboration: each individual is always ready to listen and contribute constructively and cooperatively.

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