30/08 2024

A Journey of Nearly 2 Decades with Youthful Dedication to RT Holdings

At RT Holdings, every individual plays a crucial role in ensuring the seamless operation of the Group. Behind the success of our thriving system is the dedication of our talented and passionate team. In this RT Connection No.20, we sit down with Mr. Nguyen The Tuong – IT Support Specialist – to discuss his nearly two-decade meaningful journey with RT Holdings!

We have heard that you’ve been with RT Holdings for nearly 2 decades. What has made you work with the Group for such a significant portion of your career?

20 years ago, I embarked on my journey at RT Holdings. The company’s positive and supportive environment has been instrumental in my personal and professional growth. I’ve always felt like I’m part of a big family here. RT Holdings has been more than just a workplace; it’s been a place where I’ve found career purpose and fulfillment. This is where I’ve seen myself grow every day, and I’m always honored to be a part of the RT Holdings family.


What guiding principles have helped you consistently deliver high-quality work throughout your career?

Working in a technical field demands a high-level of skill and accuracy. I’m dedicated to delivering the work that meets the highest standards and minimizes errors. My personal philosophy is to always strive for excellence and continuously seek out opportunities for professional development.

Reflecting on the past 20 years, what are your thoughts and feelings?

Having worked at RT Holdings since 2006, I consider it my second home and the place where I spent my youth. It’s hard to imagine who I would be today without being part of RT Holdings. Throughout this time, I haven’t just been working, but also actively learning and sharing knowledge with my colleagues – a valuable experience that I cherish and will always be proud of.

Challenges are inevitable in any job. How did you handle the tough times?

I’ve always seen challenges as opportunities for growth. During RT Holdings’ most difficult periods, I chose to stay and fully support our Board of Directors. Through the combined efforts of our dedicated team, we navigated those challenges and achieved the success we enjoy today.

What advice would you give to new employees at RT Holdings to help them integrate into the company culture?

To thrive at RT Holdings, I advise new employees to be genuine and direct in all your interactions. This will help you establish a strong professional reputation. Additionally, to adapt quickly, you should embrace a growth mindset and be proactive in seeking out new challenges and learning experiences. Remember, opportunities don’t just appear; they are often created through your own efforts.

Mr. Nguyen The Tuong’s 20-year journey highlights the strong company culture at RT Holdings, where employees at all levels are deeply committed to their roles. We hope these inspiring stories from members of RT Holdings offer fresh perspectives and reveal the fascinating aspects of our various departments and divisions.

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